Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Bedrock of America

As a boy I remember sitting in my parent’s room and seeing dozens of books on history and war (particularly the Civil War). I could not understand how any person would rather read those books, then watch TV, play games or set things on fire (I always was a pyro at heart). I used to find politics absurdly boring, a complete waste of time. In school I learned what the text books and teachers wanted me to know and understand. Then one day it happened, I entered the real world and realized that the classes I took on US history and government were quickly being eroded like sand on a beach. Beaches are interesting little things, the general shape may change over time but it is restrained by the bedrock that lies below. The beach can only change drastically if there is a shift in the bedrock. A strong storm may move the sand, but it takes a powerful force to move that bedrock.

As I look at our nation today I am a bit saddened but the strong forces that desire to shift the bedrock of our country. These forces are acting slowly and methodically to undermine that which we hold so dear. This force is not democrat, republican or independent. The force is much like a wayward child that forgets his wholesome upbringing as he is subdued by the pleasures the world has to offer. We as a nation have forgotten in great measure what this country was built on, the morals and ideas that were penned out by our founding fathers by candlelight many years ago. Their ideas were not all together their own, they were drawn from people like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire. These founding fathers made errors in judgment, both personal and political, but they were firm in their resolve for freedom

I am no expert in this field, am a poor writer (as I much prefer math and science), and do not wish to push anyone to one political party or another (I tend to think of myself as simply conservative). I have for some time been reading the biographies of our founding fathers, and wish to write this blog for a similar reason as those men, to enlighten others minds to the follies of letting go of any liberty we have. I will focus mainly on the ideals of freedom, liberty and morality, draw great attention to our Constitution, and in all try and encourage people to fight to keep the liberty and freedom we have.

“The liberties of our country are worth defending at all hazards. If we should suffer them to be wrested from us, millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers in the event. Every step has been taken but one; and the last appeal would require prudence, unanimity and fortitude. America must herself, under God, work out her own salvation.” - Samuel Adams

In short we have great liberties in this country and the last step we have left is to learn them, understand them, and protect them at all costs. This will take a unified country and a desire from each of us to learn from the mistakes of the history and endeavor to hold onto that which makes America a choice land. I pray we can hold onto that which was laid as the foundation, and I emplore each of you to fight for those values.

-Vindex (Defender)


  1. Excellent first post, Rob, and congratulations on your blog! I can't put in words how proud I am that you're doing this! There's such a need for younger people to be standing up for America and its values, as you're the future while us older folks are slowly fading away. I can't wait to work together with you in this "Glorious Cause" (as the American Revolution has been called)! I'll call you tomorrow (PROMISE) and we'll touch bases. (I'm also honored to be your first "Follower," though I don't know why I show up twice).

  2. Congratulations on your blog! I love it! You may find yourself on the White House "Snitch" list, but that's a chance we're just going to have to take. At least you, your father and I can keep each other company!
